General Info
School Times
School times are sounded by difference music each fortnight.
8:30am – Grounds open and a teacher is on duty on the asphalt.
8:50am – Morning session
10:50am – Recess
11:15am – Midday Session
12:45pm – Lunch Eating Time (in classes)
12:55pm – Lunch Play
1:20pm Afternoon session
3:00pm – Dismissal
When picking students up, adults are asked to wait at an agreed upon location outside for your child/ren. This helps to ease the congestion in the corridors at a busy time of the day.
On the last day of each term, school is dismissed at 2pm.
Parking/Road Safety
Parking is limited around our school and you may need to park in surrounding streets and walk with your children.
Please take care at all times as before and after school are the busiest times of the day with many families crossing the road. Please model road safe behaviours and use marked crossings where available.
Children may ride their bicycle or scooter to school, store and lock them in the bike racks provided. Bicycle and scooter riders must dismount upon when on school surrounds and are reminded that the wearing of protective helmets is law.
Telephone Messages
If you wish the school to relay telephone messages to children, please ring before 2:30 pm. We will make every effort to get the message to students, but cannot guarantee this. In emergencies or for other important reasons, students can seek permission from their teacher to contact their families or carers from a phone in the Office.
Personal mobile phones are not to be used on the school site to protect student safety and should be left in the classroom teacher’s drawer throughout the day. Classrooms are locked when classes are out of the room.
School assemblies occur fortnightly (even weeks) on Wednesday mornings, starting at 9am and families are encouraged to attend. Classes take turns in presenting the assemblies so that students can share their learning. At each assembly, each class presents Success Helper Awards to 2 students who have demonstrated one or more of the schools REBE capabilities. Teachers will inform parents/carers if their child is receiving an award so they can attend.
School Photographs
A professional photographer is engaged each year to take photos of all students and staff. Pre-printed order envelopes are provided with additional information via our newsletter and Class Dojo.
Lost Property
Lost property is stored in the office area. Children and parents are encouraged to check for missing items when possible. Please ensure all items are clearly marked with your child’s name as all named articles are sorted and returned to children via classrooms. Reminders will be placed in the school newsletter and at the end of each term, unclaimed and unnamed items are disposed of.
Personal Property
We strongly discourage students from bringing anything of value (including sentimental) to school as we cannot accept responsibility if items are misplaced or damaged.
Inclement Weather Policy
On days when temperatures reach 35° or above, there is rain or environmental concerns, as per Bureau of Meteorology advice, children will remain in their classrooms and engage in indoor activities. If it is raining in the morning 8:30 – 8:50, the teacher on duty will open up the gym where students can sit in their class groups.
We respect the confidentiality of family situations; however, we ask parents to inform the Principal or nominee at enrolment of relevant details regarding the family situation (e.g. custody and/or access). The school may require verification of the information you provide. It is advisable for you to also identify who has permission to collect your child in an emergency.